Sunday, April 1, 2012

Advice Part 1: Linkedin is Your Friend

So below you read that Reg MacDonald has no interest in helping you get a job (or foot in the door), his list of industry contacts is laughable and generally there is not much hope in finding a position unless you spend even more money travelling and meeting HR personnel within the offices of drilling contractors worldwide.

So what can you do?

Thank GOD for the internet. The internet is your friend and is more capable in helping you get a job than Reggie himself. Let me introduce you to Linkedin, it is like Facebook but for professionals. You can find direct contact information to most HR Managers within the medium to large drilling contractors around the world. But there is one negative side: the core functions are free, but if you want to contact (send email) with people who are not paid members of Linkedin you have to become a paid member yourself...cheapest option costs $25 / month. In my opinion still cheaper than travelling around the world and meeting these people in their offices. After you get a job, cancel the subscription.

Here is how we begin:

This is the Linkedin homepage. Sign-up here.

Once you have signed-up and created your profile search for companies that interest you.

Once you find the company you searched for you can "follow" them to get updates and search their employee list. Look for anyone working in HR (Human Resources).

As you can see above I found Lisa who is an HR Manager for Nabors International (meaning she is in charge of hiring people for their worldwide locations). Now you can contact her directly.

Above is another person who I found working for Halliburton.

So as you can see the internet is indeed your friend. You can find just about any company drilling out there and contact the relevant HR people. Good luck!

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