Wednesday, November 6, 2013

How Maritime Drilling Schools is reacting to this blog... part II

18 months after our « amazing » training, Regie continue a litle bit furious, probably because he’s not able to deny facts.
Considering that with this training you cannot work in the Oil & Gas industry, all of us returned to our former works. I’m HSE Manager in multimillion projects in Africa (but on civil) others continue farming, fishing and so on.
One of our mates was an English teacher on foreing countries and, proved the imposibility to enter in the Oil & Gas Industry after this suposed training, now he has an English academy.
I go to copy you the messages that Regie  is sending to this Blog about my colleague company. As you can see, so much rage can have a single reason… the accuracy of the fact  exposed in this Blog.
I’m sorry Regie, but you’re shooting in the wrong direction. Me, the author of this blog am Spanish. You’re English is so bad that you cannot remark reading the entries that I’m a non-English native… Fun, except for the 5000 bucks you stole to each student.
(REGIE : maritime Drilling School CEO- Ceo of a 2 workers company, by the way one oh them his girlfriend)
And now, the Comments by Regie :

1.- Welcome We have finally decided to start our official blog and give you more insight into Xxxx XXXX Academy, our programs in different places. Over the coming weeks, months and years we shall be exploring different topics associated with English teaching and also provide you, dear reader, with tips and tricks that we hope will make you a better teacher. If you would like to find our more about us, please visit our website for detailed information about who we are and what we do. F. you need to go into your own blogger and fix the above sentence you have our more about us instead of out more about us. You know, as an English teacher trying to sell your product this doesn't look good!!! On

2.- Only you F. E. and the Academy seem to be doing all the likes on Facebook and half the family in the opening on

3.- JOB OFFERED: English Teaching Jobs Worldwide - A TESOL Academy runs both Onsite and tutor assisted Distance Learning TESOL teacher training courses (120 hour Certificate and 220 hour Diploma). All our courses are accredited in the United Kingdom and we are proud members of IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) as well as The College of Teachers UK. We also work with over 100 partner schools worldwide that we have carefully selected and scrutinized. While working towards your TESOL qualification, we will put you in touch with reputable organizations around the world (from China to Brazil to Oman) that will be able to offer you great teaching positions, excellent pay and numerous other benefits. For more information, please visit us online at: Join today! Now F. for that kind of money you should be offering them a job not a list of companies, you should have had A. and J. help you with recruiters.

I understand that you, reading all that are completely lost… bur the funny part are the chilhood comments that the MDS « CEO » do about a bussines from an ex- student at the end of each paragraph. ENVY 100%, lol

And now this is personal:
regie, imbécil como puedes ser tan gilipollas para no diferenciar a un hispano hablante? es una pregunta retórica, por supuesto, eres incapaz porque eres un puto palurdo de mierda, un vaquero que se ganó la vida lavando platos en una plataforma y creyó que el olor a gasolina ya lo convertía en catedrático. Anda y que te jodan, mierda seca

Regie, dou you need google translator? really? lol


  1. one man at a time ;) you might be next ;)

  2. We know exactly where you are ;)

  3. Anyway if you don't know, the only thing you must do is to e-mail me and I'll tell you. Thanks for this kind of revenge and menacing comments Regie, Them are the best example of the success of this blog, regards Maritime Dish Washer

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